BroPix — Help


BroPix is a browser-based port of the wonderful Pix64 "fantasy console" (originally created by ZappedCow). This port was created by Luxferre in 2023 to make Pix64 more accessible to those who can't run .NET runtimes but can run modern Web browsers, including full cross-platform compatibility with all mainstream OSes, touch-based devices, external gamepads (experimental support) and even some smartphones with hardware keypads. Any .png cart that can be run on the original Pix64 v1.2 build, can be run in BroPix as well.

Like the original implementation, BroPix also supports multicarts. You can select several .png files and they will be run in sequence, with the next cart starting after the victory on the previous one.

Sharing carts

All the carts currently loaded into BroPix are saved as data: URIs into the current location hash part. Hence, you can bookmark or save the entire sequence of carts simply by copying the full URL from your browser's address bar. Using any URL shortener service, you can share any Pix64 content as a single link to BroPix. Example of a game (The Core, Luxferre, 2023) in a single URL.


After loading, click/tap or press Enter/Return if the game hasn't automatically started.
* note that Select and Start buttons are only supported on those gamepads where they map to Button 8 and Button 9 respectively


Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain.

The original Pix64 concept was designed by ZappedCow in 2018.